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Currently, I work at BOSCH GmbH, specializing in semiconductor interconnection technology, bridging my academic knowledge with real-world applications.

I am pursuing a Master of Science in Material Science and Engineering at FH Münster in Germany, where I focus on solid-state physics, chemistry, polymers, microscopy, surface science, biomedical ceramics, nanotechnology, sensors, and project management. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the World University of Bangladesh, where I concentrated on electrical circuits, electronics, engineering materials, power systems, communication, and electrical machines.

Beyond my academic and professional life, I am deeply committed to volunteering to promote human rights. My interests in history, international relations, religion, and economics further enrich my understanding of the world.I am also an avid traveler, passionate about exploring diverse cultures and landscapes. These experiences enhance my personal growth and underscore the importance of cultural exchange and global interconnectedness.

Join me as I continue to explore, learn, and advocate for a better world.